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Bitcoin Rush Scam Explained

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Whether you are an active crypto investor or simply an aficionado, the chances are that you have heard of the Bitcoin Rush scam, or at least the trading robot.

Basically, it's a trading bot that claims to increase average daily trading profit to $1,500. However, when we look around the internet, we can see all kinds of reviews. Many sites say it's legit, but there is a question about whether these media are paid for that.

That’s why we decided to consider both sides of the Bitcoin Rush scam story.

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What is Bitcoin Rush?

First of all, Bitcoin Rush is not something that would invest on your behalf. It is basically a recruitment advert to get inexperienced traders to give their assets. This doesn't mean that they cannot earn profit. It does mean that there will be probable scammers nearby who will be waiting for the "fresh blood".

Still, it would be wrong to name the whole thing a scam since this is simple artificial intelligence we are talking about and there is no such thing as a reliable auto-trading AI. Auto-trading systems can be used as a help when the market is uncertain and volatility high.

Even though products like Bitcoin Rush or a similar bot dubbed Bitcoin Code claim to be completely legal and have terms and conditions and a privacy policy that seems totally legit – it is always good to read the small print. With its explanation at the page bottom, Bitcoin Rush basically confirms it breaches advertising codes in many countries, but since it is not from any country, it is not strictly illegal.

“Bitcoin Rush is a beginner-friendly BTC auto-trading system. We have helped tens of thousands of our clients gain financial freedom through BTC trading. You could generate up to $750 daily by depositing as little as $250 with us. The daily return could quadruple within weeks of compounding your profits.”

Therefore, it is recommended that you try trading in demo mode first to learn how to leverage Bitcoin Rush to facilitate a live trading session and make a profit.

If you lose money, there are no chances of getting it back since Bitcoin Rush isn't the one who took it. Be aware that Bitcoin Rush does not exist as a company or service. It is only a creation sold by the affiliate networks to make people sign up with, mostly offshore-based, brokers.

Also, let’s not forget that the main characteristic of the crypto market is that it is decentralised and its transfers cannot be traced.

Yes, so-called recovery firms will offer their services to help you get your money back. But guess what – they also cost money as they will only seek recovery from your bank, and keep a portion of that.

Most banking and credit card companies offer that service, so this is something you can do yourself without the help of such "recovery firms". It's better not to bother.

Remember, affiliate marketers sometimes do fraudulent marketing for both legit and scam trading robots. That is why we recommend doing your own research before choosing any auto trading platform.

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Author: Teuta Franjkovic

Author: Teuta Franjkovic

A sincere writer with a strong will to share knowledge on all things blockchain, crypto, metaverse and DeFi. Starting out as a writer with Cosmopolitan, Teuta has risen through the ranks of business journalism, editing newspapers and websites within the fintech industry for over 15 years. She holds a double MA in Public Politics and Entrepreneurship.

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