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Bitcoin to Pounds

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According to Coinmarketcap, as of writing, the Bitcoin to pounds price is £17,469. It has decreased by 2.83% in the last 24 hours.

So far, 2022 hasn't been a good year for the leading cryptocurrency. However, the same can be said for the entire crypto market. Most cryptocurrencies have struggled this year.

BTC started the year worth £34,225. By the end of the first month (January), it had lost more than £5K of its value. It ended the month worth £28,622.

For a short while, it picked up and traded above £30K before dropping to trading below £30K in May. 5 May was the last time its value was above £30K. The last time its value was above £20K was 13 June. Since then, it has traded between £19K and £16K, £16K being the least it has ever traded this year.

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BTC Is on the Fall

Considering its current price and market trend, BTC is not doing very well. However, many predict a profitable future for the coin. It is not the first time it has experienced such a bear run. The coin has always managed to come back strong. predicts BTC might trade at £30,119 in 2023, £42,922 in 2024 and £61,168 in 2025. The site further predicts they might trade above £80K by 2026.

Ambcrypto predicts the coin might trade at £71,394 in 2023, £94,241 in 2024, and £124,398 in 2025. According to the site, the coin might start trading above £170K in 2027, above £260K in 2028, and £340K in 2029.

CryptoNewsZ doesn’t predict a promising future for the leading cryptocurrency as Ambcrypto and According to the site, the coin might be worth £30,345 in 2023, £44,682 in 2024, and £54,485 in 2025. The coins will, however, not be able to trade above £80K even by 2030.

Knowing the crypto market and its volatility, some of the prediction platform's numbers may never come to fruition. However, most agree that the coins will see some price appreciation in the future, making them worth holding.

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Author: Jay Jackson

Author: Jay Jackson

Jay Jackson is a crypto trader, researcher and freelance writer. He works closely with people and businesses in the crypto sphere, writing blog posts, guides, press releases, reviews and ebooks.

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