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Solanascan Alternative Solscan Explained

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If you are planning to purchase Solana-based tokens, you should never miss the powerful Solanascan alternative SolScan. With this blockchain explorer, you can track everything related to the cryptocurrency, including transactions, blocks, prices, and more.

What is Solscan?

Solscan is a cloud-based data analytics platform that lets users search for any information on the Solana blockchain. This way, you can find the most recent price of the tokens, the latest news about the blockchain, and other information.

The platform makes it easier for users to understand the analytics and data on a blockchain.

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Benefits of using Solanascan

• Track the performance of the portfolio over time.

• Get alerts about price changes.

• Analyze market trends and changes.

• Get the latest company news.

• No limit to the number of searches from the homepage.

• Get the entire transaction history, including the transferer, transferee, transaction amount, and current holders.

• You can also get to know the latest dollar value, SOL balance, and the cumulative number of transactions from the address information page.

How does Solscan work?

Solscan works just like Solanascan. By entering the correct information (such as token address) into the search bar of the Solana blockchain explorer, you'll be able to view various data such as transaction costs, SOL Balance, and NFTs.

It scans for relevant information from the Solana blockchain and provides real-time updates. For example, you can get every detail of past Solana transactions, the holders, the transaction cost, and so on.

What does Solscan track?

Apart from monitoring the transactions, it also lets you track more details of NFTs, tokens, smart contracts, blocks, and crypto whale trades. That is why it is considered among the best Solanascan alternative.

If you are new to the Solana blockchain, this tool can really help to understand every term related to Solana transactions. Feel free to explore this platform anytime from anywhere in the world.

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Author: Vighnesh M V

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